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Help Finding a Game
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Games you once played but don't remember the names of
I remember playing a surreal online graphical point and click game where you were in a hotel, and then after falling asleep you would wake up and a stork would come out of the TV with a pocket watch. Then you would be transported to an island through the travel channel. What was the name of that game?
omg i know that game
if i think of it ill help u out
found it
Tipping Point
Last edited by linkinpark333; 11-15-2009, 20:39:01.
Please help find a game!
Ahaa this is going to sound crazybut i'm looking for an escape the room game i used to play on gamershood when i was younger. i looked through the games but there aree sooo many pages i just couldnt find it! It would mean soo much if someone knew what it was or could remember it, thanks for reading
Description of game: the object was just to find the keys in each room to move to another room in the house, i'm pretty certain you had to find 10 keys in each room. i also know there were lots of different games by the same creator (5 or 6 i think) i remeber the first one had the 2 fairys from fairly odd parents in it :L (kosmo and wonda) then later levels included characters from spongebob to darf vader.
I know it sounds crazy, but i suddenly had the urge to play, thanks again Mollyx
My GH family
SIS- Rima...
BRO- PRATIK732006...
And BEST Friend- Doglover
I'm pretty sure that it's one of Renegade's games, just not sure which one
There are several episodes of the Leaving Your Room series, then The Search of Bees etc.
I guess the easiest is it, if you check Renegade's website to figure out which one you mean, and then check the forums for hints on the game in question.
(scroll down to Room Escape)
Looking for help finding a platform game.
Hello, everyone! I've been coming to Gamershood for quite some time, and I finally decided to make a profile on the forums!
I was wondering if someone could help me find the name of a platform game that I liked a lot. . but now I can't seem to find! I'm fairly certain I found it on this site.
In the game, you played a cursor. . Just the little "I" symbol that is displayed when you are typing something. You chose a story to go through at the start of the game (you could choose from several classic stories).
When the game starts, you move your little "I" symbol over the words of the story. It was quite neat - the story was sort of illustrated by words (for example, if in the story there was a staircase, the words formed a little staircase that you had to move your cursor up or down.)
Another aspect of the game I remember is that some words were in red, and the red words would float out and "attack" your cursor, and you had to jump over them and avoid them or you would be moved back a few paces in the game.
I'm sorry if this is too vague to generate any good answers, but I figured if anyone could help, it would be youThank you so much for any help you can offer me.
I don't remember it from what you've described, but could you give more information if you know anything more?
Was it a puzzle game, and you had to switch between the characters to solve puzzles, or was it a point and click adventure?
Were the characters small or rather big?
What else do you remember?
Two small characters.. maybe a blue and a green shirt.. i think you could control one at a time... get through these rooms with saws and whatnot.. and you had other things that maybe shot at you... and you had rocket packs as well.. i meantioned it was updated every sunday.......... thinking something like i dunno rod and tods advetnure. lol, but not