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Chit Chat 6

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  • I feel the need to let out my excitement somewhere
    Today is my Prom I'm pretty pumpedd!! Prom after parties
    and then tomorrow we all leave to go prom campinggg!!
    And then Sunday is my Birthday..there is just so much going on lol
    Just need to get that outt
    Sister Dia <3
    Elite Member of GFARDTO

    Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
    You SHOULD Be Worrying About
    U-NO-POO -
    the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

    Why so Serious?


    • I have been gone forever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever.

      Too busy mongering over Tekken 6.

      I'm sorry to see this place is less active, I guess 2007 was one of its best years then.

      Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


      • Have you been gone for a while? LOL

        I haven't played Tekken for years!! I used to be in love with Ryu lol
        Badwife of my husblonde gh1!

        Still searching for "the bit underneath"

        My Riddle:- Little Red Riddling Hood Current Temp End 39

        On holiday: 27th Aug - 10th Sept


        • I haven't been very active. A post or two every month or so.

          By the way, I do believe you are thinking of Street Fighter.


          Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


          • No it's me I forgot the name of the guy I was in love with LOL it was Jin not Ryu! I used to play both and marvel v capcom I loved Tekken 3 I spent hours on it! This conversation has reminded me of a time when I went to a friends and beat his two friends lol it was funny because they really wern't expecting it at all!! They just couldn't beat me no matter how hard they tried!!

            Badwife of my husblonde gh1!

            Still searching for "the bit underneath"

            My Riddle:- Little Red Riddling Hood Current Temp End 39

            On holiday: 27th Aug - 10th Sept


            • WWWOOOHOOOOO
              i get to be jr brides maid at my uncles wedding yay for me


              • Congratulations Carmit! You will have a great time have you seen what your dress is like yet?
                Badwife of my husblonde gh1!

                Still searching for "the bit underneath"

                My Riddle:- Little Red Riddling Hood Current Temp End 39

                On holiday: 27th Aug - 10th Sept


                • Hello? *hops up onto to sofa*


                  • srry idk where i went lol

                    *hops on to comfy ninja sofa*
                    *reaches into fridge and throws escape a carrot rum and grabs a ninja energy drink and downs it grabs another ahh*


                    • Hehe. I dunno. Disappeared into the shadows maybe?

                      *catches the carrot rum* Ah. Thank you!!! Refreshing.

                      So what's new?


                      • that was one long throw lasted 8 minutes lol

                        new new new uhh nothing really im just hanging out lately lol so im fine

                        whats new with you


                        • Apparently the chit chat room is very big. It takes 8 minutes for a carrot rum to be tossed from one side to the other. Either that or there is some device in here that slows things down. Maybe Mistery installed it...

                          New? I'm lost. LOL. I'm completely lost. Other than that, nothin' new here. Bored tonight. And SUPER tired. I've fallen asleep sitting up 3 times already.


                          • wow look at all the loonies ive nvr seen it this busy lol

                            well that aint good go drink some coffe its only 10 ther 30


                            • DANG! That IS a lot of loonies! I'm thinking that they're all being REALLY quiet right now, cuz we're the only ones talking.

                              Haha. Nah, I will have to sleep early tonight cuz Monday night I only had an hour and a half sleep. Then, last night, only 6 hours. So I should rest. But I'll be up a bit longer.


                              • nah that was takin at a loonie conference see how uncomfortable the chairs are we put those up in the closet and brought out all the good stuff so we have more room i think we could put a pool in here that would be fun ohh or a hot tub lol

                                yeah ive had that before when i was in dc 4 hours every night and you walked about 5 miles every day lol

