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Chit Chat 6

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  • @Escape Girl, aeh appearing in 2 places at once? Playing Schroedinger again?...

    @Chocbubbles, you sure it's campus and not some fun fair? Wow campus sure has changed since i've been there..... That really makes me want to go back to university.....

    A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

    As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


    • @choc right now in looking towards chemical engineering but Idk right now I just know I want to study chemistry its something I love and really enjoy and just feels right.

      @escape yeah I'm going to be so nervous, its going to be so different I will be surrounded by people that are like me, that know what they want to study and have a drive to study it.


      • @funja, grin...a Ninja chemistry college.......sorry couldn't resis that one...

        A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

        As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


        • @funja....yeah i love chemistry too, used to hate it but the last couple of school years i had some great teachers. it's great to hear you've found something you're passionate about there's a lot of areas in chemistry so i'm sure you'll find something you will really want to do.

          @kzin....hmmm, maybe i am learning at a fun fair we have a market day every thursday with live music, stalls and play humans vs zombies
          my uni specialises in veterinary sciences and it has its own emergency vet centre so we have a lot of animals running around. we also have a chiropractic centre so students get practical experience in their fields. in my course i get to work with the police

          ninja chemistry college that would be interesting to see.

          @escape....hehe, yeah i had almost 5 months of holidays so i got pretty lazy. i'm all sorted out with classes now so i won't get lost...until next semester...

          happy friday everyone
          Last edited by Chocbubbles; 02-24-2012, 10:31:50.


          • Friday is indeed happy.
            Though I am going to be pained by a full length week on Monday...
            Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


            • hey ya all
              never trust someone who lies to you, never lie to someone who trusts you.


              • Kzin, if I went back to Uni, it would not to be visiting the cow pens

                funja, ChemE is fun, but a very difficult curriculum. Good Luck

                Choc, Yorick and Zillah

                Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                • @kzin lol I don't even have a response to that.

                  @Choc I'm glad I have to, its really cool to think of a certain job and be excites about it.

                  @tipper, I have gone through school never being challenged, that is one of the things that excites me the most


                  • @funja, a Ninja has to be silent...grin...I hope it will be a real challenge and you learn tons....

                    A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                    As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                    • Awesome!

                      I forgot it was Tuesday today, then I remembered, then I said, "Holy smokes! It's Wednesday tomorrow! Already!" And I get an extra hour and a half to sleep on Wednesdays, not that I'll be sleeping.


                      *spins in a nearly perfect triangle, looking particularly indecisive*
                      Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


                      • <-- Adds an counter clockwise Hyperparabola angle of rotation to Yoricks spin to reimplant firm decision in him....

                        It is always good to have unused sleep to have around, one never knows when one needs some to trade away....

                        A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                        As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                        • Yorrick spins in a mobius strip now that kzin has corrected his angular momentum


                          • And to top it all off, I think my head is on fire. (cue Broken Bells)

                            I appreciate the effort though!
                            Last edited by Yorick; 02-29-2012, 23:07:29.
                            Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


                            • *hears broken bells*

                              Hi all.


                              • Hi Escape, thanks for saving the world from indefinite global stasis.




                                Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.

