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Chit Chat 6

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  • So tired. *passes out on couch*


    • Just glad you are safe after the storms, funja!

      Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


      • We sat in the hallways at school for an hour then got to leave early because a tornado touched down in the county above us below us and to the west of us. One also touched down in our county a town over. No damage in any case. Thanks tipper.

        Ill share this too
        So last week I took an elbow to the ankle and it was all swollen and bruised. Today I was doing some technique combonations in martial arts class it was a flying kick then a spinning kick. I landed wrong after the flying kick my ankle popped out of place. I was in a lot of pain so I quickly did the spin kick and it popped back into place (more painful) I stop expecting not to be able to put pressure on it. No pain, swelling and bruise were gone.... I don't even know. Now it has a.dull.ache. but feels better than when it was swollen.

        Idk exactly where you live but I dont think you had that bad of weather. But if you did I'm glad youre safe.
        Last edited by funja; 03-06-2012, 03:51:35.


        • We had bad weather, but nothing deadly, just annoying. Weird about the ankle I would have shattered bones if I tried that

          Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


          • Night. I'm super tired.


            • kool, no problem with that

              Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


              • @funja, Sweet dreams

                @tipper75, that probably would be a sight if you did this...grin...You first and than I do it...

                @Escape Girl, thanks from me as well as I got hypnotized from watching Yorick spin at all those strange angles....

                A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                • No, you first, I have no training, but like Kramer, if I did, I would be top in my class

                  Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                  • aeh I would but I have a very urgent Meow request from my cat....

                    A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                    As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                    • Originally posted by funja View Post
                      Ill share this too
                      So last week I took an elbow to the ankle and it was all swollen and bruised. Today I was doing some technique combonations in martial arts class it was a flying kick then a spinning kick. I landed wrong after the flying kick my ankle popped out of place. I was in a lot of pain so I quickly did the spin kick and it popped back into place (more painful) I stop expecting not to be able to put pressure on it. No pain, swelling and bruise were gone.... I don't even know. Now it has a.dull.ache. but feels better than when it was swollen.
                      Youch! Glad you're okay-ish Funja, sounds extremely unpleasant!

                      And glad you made it through the storms alright.
                      Time is a mysterious thing. never eat it.


                      • Originally posted by Yorick View Post
                        Hi Escape, thanks for saving the world from indefinite global stasis.




                        Hehe. Someone had to help. I've been SUPER busy. Mind finding a space in the space/time continuum for me? Maybe by putting the fan on hyperspeed?

                        Thanks for the hug. Much needed and appreciated. How are ya?

                        Originally posted by funja View Post
                        So tired. *passes out on couch*
                        So glad you're okay from the storms, and I haven't had a chance to reply to your post on my profile about that ankle, but definitely weird! And you're far more brave (is it brave? ) than me. I couldn't have done that. I, like the others, would have just shattered my bones. And after having broken my foot a few years back, I am very careful. It was also terrible not being able to drive for so long cuz of it.


                        • I have done that technique so many times, its one of my favorites. But I was doing it in shoes which I rarely do and I landed on a hill. And of course I didn't start out doing these techniques you definitely need to have some fundamental understanding of how your body works and your own personal limits. I would never recommend these to someone who just started .


                          • I think I am too chicken to try such moves. I'm just glad your ankle is feeling better.


                            • Lol thanks..

                              So hows stuff


                              • Stuff is okay. It's...stuff. How's your stuff?

                                Nah, things are okay. Work is crazy busy. And I'm exhausted. The latter being true pretty much always.

