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Chit Chat 6

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  • Anyone here?


    • I am..

      Hello...? *echo...* xx
      Scottish And Proud!
      Put Your Hands Up In The Air!


      • Hello?


        • HI haha im everywhere today!
          ~~~Cookies are the best weapon against war~~~

          Epicc people::Escapade a.k.a. EscapeGirl Jee etch Juan a.k.a. Gh1 Clankity Clank Clank a.k.a. Clank
          Elle! a.k.a. uhm.. Elle Bronny! a.k.a. Bronwyn Shineeyy a.k.a. Shining Star
          and otherss... You Know Who You Are

          Stacking Ftw:3-3-3:2.11 3-6-3:2.61 Cycle:7.13!!
          Wish me luck for the Six!!!


          • Yeah you are! How are ya?


            • hello


              • Hi Choc!!! How are you??? How was your Easter!?


                • Choc!
                  how r u?? i cant think of anything else to say
                  ~~~Cookies are the best weapon against war~~~

                  Epicc people::Escapade a.k.a. EscapeGirl Jee etch Juan a.k.a. Gh1 Clankity Clank Clank a.k.a. Clank
                  Elle! a.k.a. uhm.. Elle Bronny! a.k.a. Bronwyn Shineeyy a.k.a. Shining Star
                  and otherss... You Know Who You Are

                  Stacking Ftw:3-3-3:2.11 3-6-3:2.61 Cycle:7.13!!
                  Wish me luck for the Six!!!


                  • it was good me and my family swapped easter eggs and then we were watching home videos of when we were little cause my dad is converting the tapes into dvd's, so embarassing
                    i'm watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...ughhh so...much....candy

                    how was the sushi chicken, watever

                    hey binky, i'm good thanxs
                    how are u? how's ur easter going


                    • @Choc....Sounds like fun! I'm glad. Oh, I wish we had videos of us when we were kids. We have lots of photographs, though. I was just telling RBS about them yesterday. They may be embarassing now, but they're cool to have later.

                      My sushi night was fun. I tried two different kinds of sushi. I felt brave. One was good, and one made me gag. But my terriyaki chicken rocked.


                      • my easter? nothing much we ate yeah and watched the non-live kca's yeah thats all i wanna watch my vids again when i was younGER
                        ~~~Cookies are the best weapon against war~~~

                        Epicc people::Escapade a.k.a. EscapeGirl Jee etch Juan a.k.a. Gh1 Clankity Clank Clank a.k.a. Clank
                        Elle! a.k.a. uhm.. Elle Bronny! a.k.a. Bronwyn Shineeyy a.k.a. Shining Star
                        and otherss... You Know Who You Are

                        Stacking Ftw:3-3-3:2.11 3-6-3:2.61 Cycle:7.13!!
                        Wish me luck for the Six!!!


                        • yeah, it's so funny watching some of them, like when i was a couple months old we were at a zoo where they let the lion cubs roam around and one of them started to bite and climb all over my pram and then a couple seconds after my dad stopped taping it jumped on my sister's back...

                          ohhhh, sounds awesome. see it wasn't as bad as you thought
                          awww u were very brave, yes
                          i don't get why people don't like it :/

                          @binky....yeah there's actually not that much to do at Easter time...


                          • @Binky....hehe. Do your parents have any videos of you when you were youngER?

                            @Choc...A pram? What's that?? But if there was a lion cub anywhere near a child of mine (I have none, but if I did ), I'd be dropping the camera, too!

                            Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought. The shrimp one was pretty good. The eel one, however.... *shivers* The texture, I think, was the part that really made me gag. They all were laughing.

                            Hehe. Do you eat sushi a lot?


                            • ohh umm i think u call it a buggy or a stroller maybe i dunno
                              a thing babies sit in and get pushed around in

                              ewwww!!! eel??? yeah, i'd be gagging too!!
                              hehe, so do u think u'd have it again then, huh?
                              not that often but my school sells it at our cafe and wen i buy my lunch, that's what i always get..


                              • Oh! A stroller!! Okay. I'd never heard that term before. Hehe. We don't use that word in the States. Yeah, that'd be pretty scary.

                                Yeah, the eel....EWW! Like I said, the shrimp wasn't bad. And it was cooked.

                                Oh, okay. My school NEVER used to give us such options!

                                (Sorry...I was flat-ironing my hair and listening to other songs by The Plain White Tees, and sorta lost track of time. )

